Thoughts on a train in Sweden

It's been pretty hectic on my side of things. Since Easter, I've been on many more trips - Paris, Brussels, Bruges, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Palma, Madrid and Lisbon - with other things wedged in between, like meeting up with friends, doing work and finally hosting my parents in Copenhagen! As I write this, I'm currently on a train to Gothenburg in Sweden to meet my family for two days, even though I landed in Copenhagen from Lisbon just a mere three hours ago.

Not going to lie, I'm exhausted. Also, been feeling very stressed lately because it feels as if I'm about to be consumed by a tsunami of assignments crashing down on me. I'll admit, it was my fault for packing so many things into my schedule and biting off more than I can chew (doing the equivalent of 7 modules at Master's level was not the best idea). At this point, my mind feels like a tangled mess of anxious thoughts!

However, I just want to remind myself how incredibly lucky I am to have been to the places I've been, to have seen the things I've seen. The past few months on exchange have been a whirlwind of new sights and things I've never experienced - I still can't believe how much I have done, and how much left there is to do!

Every second that passes is a second closer to leaving Copenhagen and this lifestyle of freedom (and I admit- reckless indulgence) behind. I hate to think that so much of my mind is occupied by negative thoughts of the future. I want to feel more acutely everything I experience. I want to feel more sharply the sights and sounds of this life around me before it leaves me, knowing it will soon pass. I am thankful for all this beauty I've seen in little things and big things. I hope to muster enough strength to finish what seems like an insurmountable task at this point (I do recognise the entitlement and privilege of this #firstworldpain) and let me survive the next two zombified weeks!